Project activities

Conferences, workshops, talks:

PROJECT PERIOD 4 (February 2024- January 2025)

December 2024, Scientific, Neuroscientific and Philosophical Approaches to Learning from Art with Stacie Friend (University of Edinburgh) and Elisabeth Schellekens (Uppsala University)

December 2024, Workshop on Art, Culture and Politics

December 2024, Workshop Kant, Collingwood and Walton on Art

November 2024, Colloquium with João Lemos: Kant on the Deceitfulness of Rhetoric

November 2024, Conference on Kant’s aestheticsc Kant’s Critical System with Lara Ostarić (Temple University) and Gabriele Gava (University of Turin)

November 2024, Literature and Philosophy in Nineteenth Century British Culture book launch and discussion with authors and editors Giles Whiteley, Monika Class, Cian Duffy, Andrea Selleri, Peter Garratt (in collaboration with Bilkent Philosophy and Literature group)

October 2024, colloquium with Vanda Božičević: Estetika Ornamenta

September 2024, Workshop on Exploring Artistic Engagements: Art, Cognition and Social Change, with Vid Simoniti (University of Liverpool) and Maarten Coëgnarts (University of  Antwerp)

September 2024, Roundtable dedicated to the theme Art, Culture and Society, with Vid Simoniti (University of Liverpool), Maarten Coëgnarts (University of  Antwerp) and Elvio Baccarini (University of Rijeka)

June 2024, workshop Pernicious and Beneficial: (Meta)philosophical Exploration
of Logic, Language, and Fiction

May 2024, Colloquium with Patrick Colm Hogan: Gendered Virtues, but Without the Gender: on Empathy, Shame and Attachment Care (in collaboration with Bilkent Philosophy and Literature group)

April 2024,  Colloquium with Elisabeth Camp: Stories and Selves: A Twisted Love Story about the Meaning of Life (in collaboration with Bilkent Philosophy and Literature group)

March 2024, Colloquium with Eva Dadlez:  Just Kidding: The Problem of Humor and Moral Evaluation (in collaboration with Bilkent Philosophy and Literature group)

March 2024, Colloquium with David Grčki: Speaking of film: from Lacan to analytic Philosophy

PROJECT PERIOD 3 (February 2023- January 2024)

January 2024, Colloquium with David Collins on Collingwood’s theory of art

December 2023, Colloquium on poetry with Davor Grgurić and his guests

November 2023, Colloquium with Darija Žilić and Davor Grgurić, Književna gostovanja.

November 2023, Colloquium with Boran Berčić on Kant’s philosophy

October 2023, Colloquium with Anna Christina Ribeiro (Texas Tech University), Thinking with poetry 

September 2023, Conference Screen Stories and Aesthetic Education, with Murray Smith

September 2023, Roundtable The Educational Relevance of Arts with Laura D’Olimpio, James MacAllister and Murray Smith

September 2023, Colloquium with  Enrico Terrone and Nick Young, on the nature of AI art

September 2023, Colloquim with Rafe McGregor, Representations of Harm in Film and Literature

May 2023, Colloquium with Mario Slugan (Queen Mary University of London), Potencijalni mehanizmi akvizicije vjerovanja kroz fikciju

April 2023,  Colloquium with Andrea Selleri (Bilkent University), Oscar Wilde on What Makes People Tick

March 10th 2023, Colloquium with Tomislav Čop (Rijeka) on Art and critical thinking

PROJECT PERIOD 2 (February 2022- January 2023)

January 20th 2023: Discussion group Poetry in Translation with Bronislava Volková (Indiana University), and Davor Grgurić (Croatian Writers’ Association)

December 2022: Literature in Education roundtable with  James Harold (Mount Holyoke College), Peter Lamarque (York University) and Stein Haugom Olsen (Bilkent University)

December 6th and 7th 2022: Conference “Truth, Fiction, and Literature,  A Philosophical Perspective” with  Peter Lamarque (York University) &  Stein Haugom Olsen (Bilkent University)

October 2022: Cinematic Understanding & Social Justice workshop 

September 2022: Representing Neoliberalism workshop with Tzachi Zamir and Ronnie Lippens 

July 2022: Deconstruction, Desire and Reconstruction, Workshop with Rafe McGregor (Edge Hill University)

June 2022: Topics in Aesthetic Cognitivism, Workshop with Kalle Puolakka and David Collins

May 2022, Panel discussion on the intellectual properties in the arts wit James O. Young and Ivana Kunda

May 2022: Workshop on Literature, Philosophy, and Education

April 21st and 22nd 2022: The people we end up being: art, ethics and agency, a conference with Ted Nannicelli (University of Queensland), James Harold (Mount Holyoke College), A.W. Eaton (University of Illinois) and Gregory Currie (University of York)

PROJECT PERIOD 1 (January 2021- January 2022)

December 2021: Round table “Pisci u društvu” (Writers in Society) with Evelina Rudan, Davor Mandić and Davor Grgurić, 7. 12. 2021. in Opatija at Kavana Continental (Maršala Tita 85)

December 2021: A talk by Matthew DeCoursey (University of Hong Kong) titled The Role of Dramatic Literature in the Creation of Theatre

November 2021: A talk by David Collins (McGill University and University of Oxford) titled Art as Expression, Creation, and Discovery: An Exercise in ‘Synthetic’ Philosophy

September 2021: Conference Fact, Fiction, Narration with Jonathan Gilmore (CUNY Graduate Center and Baruch College), Mareike Jenner (Anglia Ruskin University), Derek Matravers (The Open University), Rafe McGregor (Edge Hill University)

July 2021: Workshop Literary Interventions into Justice 

May 2021: Discussion group on The Aesthetic Self 

April 2021: A talk by Tereza Hadravova: Susanne Langer’s Note on the Film – the appendix to Feeling and Form 

April 2021: Workshop on film: Issues in Film and Television: Philosophers, Film Makers and Film Scholars Debate Contemporary Issues In Moving Images