PROJECT PERIOD 4 (February 2024- January 2025)
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Aesthetics of poetry and its cognitive power, PEA Philosophy of poetry conference, Genova (January 27-29 2025)
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Aesthetic experience and literary cognitivism: a compatibilist approach, TeC-FiloLab, University of Granada (January 21 2025)
Mario Slugan, Fictional periphery and the status of nondiegetic music and extradiegetic narrators, Limits of Fiction Workshop, Paris (November 29-30 2024)
David Collins, Art as perspectival sharing, Extended Workshop on Cognitivism and the Arts, Porto (October 4-8 2024)
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, On the relevance of aesthetic in aesthetic cognitivism, Extended Workshop on Cognitivism and the Arts, Porto (October 4-8 2024)
David Collins, Avoiding foundations of quicksand: Collingwood on art’s cognitive value, Extended Workshop on Cognitivism and the Arts, Porto (October 4-8 2024)
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Reevaluating Plato’s criticism of art, Extended Workshop on Cognitivism and the Arts, Porto (October 4-8 2024)
David Grčki, Logika zamišljanja: komentari na Williamsonovu ideju zamišljanja, 9. godišnja konferencija Udruge za promicanje filozofije (UPF) Nasljeđe u filozofiji (October 25th 2024)
Ema Luna Lalić, Nasljeđe J. L. Austina u filozofiji, 9. godišnja konfererencija Udruge za promicanje filozofije (UPF) Nasljeđe u filozofiji (October 25th 2024)
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Umjetnost, cenzura i javno dobro: Platonovi odjeci u suvremenoj filozofiji umjetnosti, 9. godišnja konfererencija Udruge za promicanje filozofije (UPF) Nasljeđe u filozofiji (October 25th 2024)
Mario Slugan, Investigating Degrees of Fictionality through a Waltonian Framework, Third international congress of the Association for studies in fiction and fictionality, Kwansei Gakuin University Osaka (October 18-20 2024)
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, (keynote), Epistemic dispositions of literature; Balkan Analytic forum, Belgrade, Serbia (October 10-20 2024)
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, invited talk; Reconsidering Kant’s theory of art, Philosophy department, University of Belgrade (October 14th 2024)
Rafe McGregor, Permacrisis or Polycrisis? A Green Criminological Analysis, 24th International Roundtables for the Semiotics of Law Permacrisis or Polycrisis? (July 17 2024)
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, On evaluating contemporary art, XXV World Congress of Philosophy 2024 (August 1 – 8 2024)
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, The Scope of Art’s Moral Lessons, 25th edition of Contemporary Philosophical Issues CSAP annual conference, University of Rijeka (July 18-19 2024)
Ema Luna Lalić, Fictional Worlds and Truth in Literature, 25th edition of Contemporary Philosophical Issues CSAP annual conference, University of Rijeka (July 18-19 2024)
David Grčki, Logic, Counterfactuals and Imaginings, 25th edition of Contemporary Philosophical Issues CSAP annual conference, University of Rijeka (July 18-19 2024)
Ema Luna Lalić, Fictional Worlds and Truth in Literature, Sastanci doktoranada s izlaganjem sadržaja istraživanja, University of Rijeka (July 16th 2024)
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Understanding Poetry through Kant’s Third Critique, conference After Kant: What do art and literature owe to Kant? (Prag, June 24th & 25th)
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Breaking Bad after Breaking Bad: Antiheroes and ethical confusion, the Fourth annual film and philosophy workshop (June 14th 2024)
David Grčki and Anna Dorić, Funny and Fearsome, Emotions and Value Conference (Dubrovnik, June 3-7th 2024)
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Philadelphia and Its Moral Lessons, Art, Ethics and Context of Creation workshop with Ted Nannicelli (Prague, June 3rd)
David Grčki, Fictional Characters and the Problem of ‘Antiheroes’, Language, Literature and Dialogue Conference, Alfa BK Univerzitet, Belgrade (May 24-25)
Ema Luna Lalić, In Dialogue with Frege: How His Concepts of Sense and Reference Influenced the Philosophy of Literature, Language, Literature and Dialogue Conference, Alfa BK Univerzitet, Belgrade (May 24-25 2024)
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Poetry, Community, and Intersubjectivity: The Role of a Genius In Establishing Communities, presented at the conference Kant, the Judgment of Taste and the Problem of Intersubjectivity, Pavia, Italy (May 6-7th 2024)
Ema Luna Lalić, Utjecaj Fregeove teorije smisla i značenja na teorije fikcije u filozofiji umjetnosti, Sastanci doktoranada s izlaganjem sadržaja istraživanja, University of Rijeka (May 7th 2024)
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Kant on Poetry and Artistic Creation: A Perspective from Cognitive Aesthetics, Kant 300 conference, (April 22-26 2024)
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Reconsidering Aesthetic Cognitivism, Philosophy of Art, Dubrovnik (15th -18th April)
David Collins, Nominal and Substantive Theories of Art: In Defence of the Latter, Philosophy of Art, Dubrovnik (15th -18th April)
David Grčki, Anti-heroes: the Issue of Explanatory Value, Philosophy of Art, Dubrovnik (15th -18th April)
Ema Luna Lalić, Thought Experiments and Literary Fiction, Philosophy of Art, Dubrovnik (15th -18th April)
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Nemoralna umjetnost u privatnoj i javnoj domeni, Rotary klub Opatija (March 25th 2024)
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Kant on the Moral Significance of Beautiful Art; Kant, Art and Beautiful Art conference, Lisbon (11-12 March 2024)
PROJECT PERIOD 3 (February 2023- January 2024)
Ema Luna Lalić, Misaoni eksperimenti i fikcijska umjetnička djela. Sastanci doktoranada s raspravom istraživačkih planova. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka (online, 18th December 2023)
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Od estetskih do moralnih zajednica: Kant o ulozi umjetnosti u moralnom obrazovanju, 64. simpozij Hrvatskog Filozofskog Društva, Zagreb (23th -25th November 2023)
David Collins, Collingwood on Art’s Importance for Civilization, workshop Art as a Remedy for the Corruption of Consciousness: Collingwood and the Socio-Political Value of Art (online, 18 & 19 November)
David Grčki, Razilaženje oko znanstvene komunikacije, , Godišnja konferencija Udruge za promicanje filozofije Filozofska razilaženja, The institute of philosophy of the University of Zagreb, Zagreb (November 20th 2023)
Ema Luna Lalić, J. L. Austin vs. H. P. Grice: filozofsko razilaženje o jeziku, Godišnja konferencija Udruge za promicanje filozofije Filozofska razilaženja, The institute of philosophy of the University of Zagreb, Zagreb (November 20th 2023)
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Continuing the Conversation: On the Ethics of Bad Protagonists: The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, & Better Call Saul, 2nd Philosophy of Film Without Theory Conference Hamilton College, Clinton, NY (October 21st & 22nd 2023)
David Grčki, Fikcijski likovi: Problem antiheroja, Opatija Coffeehouse Debates i Udruga “Kulturni front”, Lovran, Galerija Laurus (October 7th 2023)
Rafe McGregor (Keynote), Prolegomenon to a Philosophical Criminology, 24th edition of Contemporary Philosophical Issues PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIAL ISSUES, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka (September 8th & 9th 2023)
Ema Luna Lalić and David Grčki, Felicity Conditions of Speech Acts, 24th edition of Contemporary Philosophical Issues PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIAL ISSUES, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka (September 8th & 9th 2023)
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Educational role of Literature, 24th edition of Contemporary Philosophical Issues PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIAL ISSUES, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka (September 8th & 9th 2023)
David Grčki, Corporations, Harm, and Lacan, 24th edition of Contemporary Philosophical Issues PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIAL ISSUES, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka (September 8th & 9th 2023)
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, On Literature and Ethics: Insights from Peter Lamarque, In Celebration of Peter Lamarque conference, York (5&6th July 2023)
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, A Commentary on a paper ‘Stop-Motion Animation’s Object Substitutions as Non-Depictive Representation’ by Andrea Marie Comiskey, The third annual Film and philosophy workshop, (June 2023)
David Grčki, Democracy, Epistemic Value, and Film, Summer School “Science, Values and Democracy”, Moise Palace in Cres, (June 8th 2023)
David Grčki, Reconceptualization of justice in Fight Club (1999), Game of Thrones (2011) and Us (2019), Media and Oppression Workshop, Sheffield, (June 5th and 6th 2023)
David Grčki, The Language and Value of Cinema, 12th International Conference on Language and Literary Studies: Language, Literature, and Media (May 26-27 2023)
Mario Slugan, Potential Mechanisms behind the Hypothesis that Fiction Influences Real-life Beliefs, Barcelona workshop 12: Fiction, Literature and Beyond (May 2-4 2023)
Iris Vidmar Jovanović i Luca Malatesti, The narrative approach to the moral landscape of individuals with antisocial personalities, Mapping the New Challenges in the Neuroethical landscape Meetings on Neuroscience and Society, xiv edition (May 10th-12th 2023 Pisa – Lucca, Italy)
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, The art of television, Dubrovnik Conference on the Philosophy of Art 2023.
David Grčki, Cognitive value of narrative arts: The Big Short (2015) as a case study, Dubrovnik Conference on the Philosophy of Art 2023.
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Filozofija izvedbenih umjetnosti, Ad Hock tjedan posvećen umjetnosti perfromansa, Rijeka (pozvano predavanje, 4.4.2023)
David Grčki, Mass Media and Movies: Opportunities and Pitfalls, conference „ Media, American Culture, and Global Perspective: Images, Ideas, and Illusion” March 31st, University of Rijeka.
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Kant’s Theory of Poetic Expression and Contemporary Philosophy of Poetry, Existence, Cognition, Action: Kant’s Legacy for the 21st Century, March 1st-3rd, Belgrade
PROJECT PERIOD 2 (February 2022- January 2023)
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Poetry and Metaphysics, annual conference of the Institute for Philosophy Zagreb, Philosophy and Literature in Dialogue, December 2022
David Grčki, Knjiga u novom dobu: Derrida i zvučna knjiga, Bibliozofija: knjiga u filozofiji i filozofija knjige, University of Zagreb, November 2022
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Filozofija i/ili prirodne i humanističke znanosti, Society for the Advancement of Philosophy The Future of Philosophy, Annual Conference, Zagreb, November 2022
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Strongly Attached and Deeply Invested: Explaining Our Aesthetic Favorites, invited talk at the Central European University Colloquium, November 2022
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Curiosity, Cognition and Aesthetic Experience, Aesthetic Perception and Cognition conference, Uppsala University, October 2022
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, From Banned to Burnt for the Public Good: On the (Im)morality of Literature, invited talk at Bilkent Philosophy and Literature Colloquium, 12.10.2022
David Grčki, Cinematic Understanding and Utopian Justice, 23rd Rijeka Conference in Philosophy Contemporary Philosophical Issues, Rijeka, 2022.
Luka Malatesti and Iris Vidmar Jovanović, A Narrative Approach to the Moral Landscape in Antisocial Personality. A Philosophical Analysis, 23rd Rijeka Conference in Philosophy Contemporary Philosophical Issues, Rijeka, 2022.
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Evaluating Currie’s Aesthetic Anti-cognitivism, 23rd Rijeka Conference in Philosophy Contemporary Philosophical Issues, Rijeka, 2022.
David Grčki, Fictional characters: between language and cultural industry, Language, Literature, and Industry, September, 22-23, Belgrade, 2022
Luka Malatesti and Iris Vidmar Jovanović, A Narrative Approach to the Moral Landscape in Antisocial Personality. A Philosophical Analysis, Rights at the Frontiers of Justice workshop Rijeka, 2022.
David Grčki, Cinematic Understanding and Declining Injustice in Game of Thrones, Mind World and Action, Inter University Centre, Aug., Sept., 29-2, Dubrovnik, 2022
Mario Slugan, Objectual Imagining and the Puzzle of Imaginative Resistance, Society for Cognitive Studies of the Moving Image, Jun 1-4, Valencia, 2022
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Attachment Trajectory of Viewer’s Long-term Engagement with TV Series, keynote delivered at the Television Aesthetics: Now What?’ conference, University of Kent, July 2022
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, The Value of Aesthetics, Canadian Society for Aesthetics annual meeting, 2022
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Echoes of Plato’s Concerns in Contemporary Ethical Criticism of Art, 17th Annual conference on Philosophy, Athens Institute for Education and Research, 2022.
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, In Defence of the Interpretation-oriented Ethical Criticism of Art, The 1st Art and Ethics Prague Conference, What Future for the Ethical Criticism of Art, Prague, 2022
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, “The ties that bind” – the case of television series, Dubrovnik conference on Philosophy of art, 2022
Mario Slugan, Imaginative Resistance and Objectual Imagining in Film, the Impossible Fictions /Fictions Impossibles conference, University of Chicago, March 3, 2022
Iris Vidmar Jovanović and Luca Malatesti, A Narrative Approach to the Moral Landscape in Antisocial Personalities: a Philosophical Analysis, Moral Equality workshop, Rijeka, March 8th 2022
PROJECT PERIOD 1 (January 2021- January 2022)
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Dangers of Art: Plato’s Call to Censorship in Contemporary Aesthetics, Prague Aesthetics Lectures
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, The people we end up being: Aesthetic cognitivism and immoral art; Workshop on Imagining, Understanding, and Knowing, Mumble research group Torino
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Narrative strategies and fact/fiction distinction in contemporary serial television, The cognitive impact of serial television, Valenica
Mario Slugan, This Is a (True) Story’: Fiction Film and Real-Life Beliefs, Philosophy of Art, Dubrovnik
Rafe McGregor, Criminological Criticism: Literary Aesthetics and Critical Criminology, Philosophy of Art, Dubrovnik
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Form, Content and Paraphrase in Poetry, Philosophy of Art, Dubrovnik
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Kant, Kante and the Moral Character of Art, Perspectives on Analytic Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art: Conference in honor of Božidar Kante, Maribor Slovenia
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Attention, Beauty and Literary Aesthetics, Nordic Society of Aesthetics 2021
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Philosophical Canon and the Truth: Challenges from The No-Progress View Of Philosophy, Institut of Philosophy, Zagreb
Mario Slugan, Some Thoughts on whether Fiction Film Influences Real-Life Beliefs, European society of Aesthetics annual conference 2021
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Glancing, Gazing and Binging: Viewers’ Commitment and Contemporary Television Series, SPSCVA & Film and Philosophy workshop
Iris Vidmar Jovanović and Elvio Baccarini, Public Justification and Subsidizing Art, Summer school Equality and Citizenship Rijeka
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Love lost, love found: reverberation of the ancient quarrel in philosophical and poetic tradition, Literature and Philosophy. Research methods, Figures and Forms of Thought, University of Warsaw & Charles University Prague
David Grčki, Cognitive Imaginings and Evaluative Emotions: How much Are We Allowed to Imagine?, Mind World and Action, Dubrovnik
David Grčki, Why do we Sympathize with Morally bad Fictional Characters? Contemporary Philosophical Issues Rijeka
Iris Vidmar Jovanović & Valentina Marianna Stupnik, Art and Public Domain: Immoral Characters, Immoral Artists and Viewers’ Engagements With Artworks, Contemporary Philosophical Issues Rijeka
Iris Vidmar Jovanović , Can Artists Do any Harm? Morality of Art and the State’s Responsibility Regarding the Art-Related Public Policies and Education, Zagreb Applied Ethics Conference 2021 Harm, Intentions and Responsibility
Joerg Finmgerhut, Assesing transformation through Art, XXVI Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Perspectivism, American Society for Aesthetics annual conference
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Etika umjetnosti i moral umjetnika – cenzura u domeni umjetničkih praksi, Coffeehouse debates Lovran
Iris Vidmar Jovanović, Etika umjetnosti i moral umjetnika – cenzura u domeni umjetničkih praksi, Rotary klub Rijeka
David Grčki, Epistemic undersanding as cognitive value of narrative art and Emotive and cognitive engagement with fictional characters, Znanstveni centar ”Berislav Žarnić”, Splitu
David Grčki, Emotive and cognitive engagement with fictional characters, Znanstveni centar ”Berislav Žarnić”, Split
David Grčki, Narrative Arts and climate change: The Apocalypse of Boredom, Aestetics of Everyday